ARTICLE SECTIONS CONTENT REQUIREMENTS Abstract is a text of no more than 1 page containing a complete and brief description of what was done in this work and emphasizing its novelty. The minimal volume of the section is approved. Text of the experimental article (including illustrations) consists of the INTRODUCTION, EXPERIMENTAL section and RESULTS AND DISCUSSION section. Introduction contains a brief review of the problem history, substantiates its topicality and formulates the goal of the present work. Experimental part contains the information about the subject of the investigation (with English and Latin names, if the live subject is concerned), its properties, where it is maintained (collection for microorganisms) or inhabits (nursery, environment), methods for its isolation, conditions and sequence of the performed experimental procedures, used reagents and equipment (with the indication of manufacturers). All microbial strains and cell lines are deposited in one of the State Service Collections. In addition to the Collection, it is necessary to point out the registration number of the strain in it. If the used method is poorly known, its short description is given along with a reference to the appropriate publication. When the wide-known and routine methods are concerned (for example, the Lowry method for protein analysis or the Sambrook method for gene cloning) it is sufficient to name the method without referencing. The section can be divided to subsections. Results and Discussion contains a brief and logical description of the obtained experimental data illustrated by tables, graphs and photos that do not duplicate each other. The analysis of the results is performed in order to reveal the observed regularities rather than mechanically describe the obtained data. Past Indefinite Tense is used to the results description. Discussion does not repeat the information that contains in describing of the experimental results. At the end of the section, the main conclusions that answer the questions (goals) raised in the Introduction are formulated. The text contains conventional abbreviations (DNA, RNAse, HPLC and others). Nontraditional abbreviations are deciphered in the list of abbreviations at the first or separate page of the manuscript. If the article contains the study of an enzyme, its index in the Enzyme Classification (EC) is represented at its first mention. Each table (no less than three columns) has its number and title, and each figure has its number and legend. The section can contain subsections. References (Literature) are is consent with the patterns in “Requirements to leading reviewed scientific journals in which the main results of dissertations for Science Doctor and Candidate should be published” (see the VAK RF site). The order of references in the section corresponds to their order of citing in the text and illustrations. The references to issues that are not available to the majority of readers (dissertation materials, technical regulations, methodical instructions, and others) are not accepted. ![]() |
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