Russian Journal of Biotechnology Articles archive Archive 2012 N 2 A Quantitative Analysis of Lysine in Cultural Broths in Plates by Spectrophotometry with Ninhydrin Reagent using a Robotic Complex

A Quantitative Analysis of Lysine in Cultural Broths in Plates by Spectrophotometry with Ninhydrin Reagent using a Robotic Complex

Автор: B.V. Tyaglov, K.V. Lavrov, S.V. Antonova, E.V. Degterev, N.G. Demina, N.F. Rumiantseva, E.D. Barsukov, and A.S. Yanenko

Страница: 93-96


A Quantitative Analysis of lysine in cultural broths in plates by spectrophotometry with ninhydrin reagent using a robotic complex

Biotekhnologiya, 2012, N 2, P. 93-96

Section:  “Metrology, Standartization, and Control”


B.V. Tyaglov *,  K.V. Lavrov,  S.V. Antonova,  E.V. Degterev,  N.G. Demina,  N.F. Rumiantseva,  E.D. Barsukov,  and  A.S. Yanenko *

The State Research Institute for Genetics and Selection of Industrial Microorganisms, 117545, Moscow Russia



An express spectrophotometric method for lysine quantification in cultural broths of lysine-producing strains has been developed. the conditions for the ninhydrin—lysine color reaction using a robotic complex were selected. It was established that the OD of the produced lysine—ninhydrin complex is stable during 4 h at 20°C if the plate is held in the dark; the errors (n=3, P=0,95) varied from 2,7% to 5,2%. The duration of 80 samples analysis was 3,5 h on average; the suggested method permits to analyze up to 1600 samples a day. The quantitative HPTLC was applied as a reference method. A good correlation of the two methods was observed; r=0,9881.


Key words:  lysine,  ninhydrin,  optical density,  plate,  quantitative assessment,  robotic complex,  spectrophotometry.


The full English version of the article was published in “Biotechnology in Russia”, 2012, Issue 2, pp. 32-42 as B.V. Tyaglov, K.V. Lavrov, S.V. Antonova, E.V. Degterev, N.G. Demina, N.F. Rumiantseva, E.D. Barsukov, A.S. Yanenko “A Quantitative Analysis of lysine in cultural broths in plates by spectrophotometry with ninhydrin reagent using a robotic complex.

It is contained at the Russian Scientific Electron Library website:


15.06.2015, 1315 просмотров.


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