Russian Journal of Biotechnology Articles archive Archive 2012 N 2 Design of Equipment for Growing of Mycelial Microorganisms using Simulation Modeling

Design of Equipment for Growing of Mycelial Microorganisms using Simulation Modeling

Автор: K.A. Ivanov, D.A. Ivanov, and A.P. Rudenko

Страница: 80-86


Design of Equipment for Growing of Mycelial Microorganisms using Simulation Modeling

Biotekhnologiya, 2012, N 2, P. 80-86

UDC 663.14.033

Section:  “Processes and Equipment”


K.A. Ivanov *,  D.A. Ivanov,  and  A.P. Rudenko

The State Sibirian University of Technology,  660049, Krasnoyarsk Russia



The practical use of simulation modeling in the design of a device for cultivation of mycelial microorganisms has been described. The results of modeling of the device for obtaining of biomass of streptomycete with a demanded productivity and minimum specific power inputs are represented.


Key words:  body,  cavity,  dispersion,  homogeneity,  hydrodynamics,  plank,  rotor,  shaping,  suspension,  trajectory.


15.06.2015, 1578 просмотров.


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