Russian Journal of Biotechnology Articles archive Archive 2012 N 2 Culturing of Hybridomas Producing Diagnostically Significant Monoclonal Antibodies to Francisella tularensis

Culturing of Hybridomas Producing Diagnostically Significant Monoclonal Antibodies to Francisella tularensis

Автор: N.A. Syrova, I.V. Terekhova, N.E. Tereshkina, Z.L. Devdariani, M.N. Isliayeva, A.B. Golova, N.P. Guseva, E.A. Plotnikova, O.A. Volokh, N.M. Ermakov, and M.N. Kireev

Страница: 66-72


Culturing of Hybridomas Producing Diagnostically Significant Monoclonal Antibodies to Francisella tularensis

Biotekhnologiya, 2012, N 2, P. 66-72

UDC 616.981.455:576.809.7

Section:  “Biologicals Technology”


N.A. Syrova *,  I.V. Terekhova,  N.E. Tereshkina,  Z.L. Devdariani,  M.N. Isliayeva,  A.B. Golova,  N.P. Guseva,  E.A. Plotnikova,  O.A. Volokh,  N.M. Ermakov,  and  M.N. Kireev

The All-Russian Research Antiplague Institute Microbe,  410005, Saratov Russia



A panel containing 10 hybridoma clones producing monoclonal antibodies to a lipopolysaccaride from Francisella tularensis has been designed. The obtained MCA specifically interact with tularemia microbe cells and do not react with heterologous microorganisms. Three clones were only capable of long-term in vitro growing. Seven hybridomas occurred in syngenic BALB/c mice as ascetic tumors during 3—5 passages (a period of observation) with retaining of the constant MCA production. The obtained hybrid lines can potentially serve as producers of specific immunoreagents in the manufacturing of tularemia monoclonal immunodiagnostic test-system.


Key words:  Francisella tularensis,  hybridoma biotechnology,  immunodiagnostics,  monoclonal antibodies.


The full English version of the article was published in “Biotechnology in Russia”, 2012, Issue 2, pp. 66-72 as N.A. Syrova, I.V. Terekhova, N.E. Tereshkina, Z.I. Devdariani, M.N. Isliayeva, A.B. Golova, N.P. Guseva, E.A. Plotnikova, O.A. Volokh, N.M. Ermakov, M.N. Kireev “Culturing of Hybridomas Producing Diagnostically Significant Monoclonal Antibodies to Francisella tularensis.

It is contained at the Russian Scientific Electron Library website:


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