Russian Journal of Biotechnology Articles archive Archive 2012 N 2 Metabolic Engineering of Escherichia coli for Production of Succinic Acid from Glucose

Metabolic Engineering of Escherichia coli for Production of Succinic Acid from Glucose

Автор: A.Yu. Skorokhodova, A.Yu. Gulevich, A.A. Morzhakova, R.S. Shakulov, and V.G. Debabov

Страница: 8-20


Metabolic Engineering of Escherichia coli for Production of Succinic Acid from Glucose

Biotekhnologiya, 2012, N 2, P. 8-20

UDC 577.121

Section:  “Problems and Prospects”


A.Yu. Skorokhodova *,  A.Yu. Gulevich,  A.A. Morzhakova,  R.S. Shakulov,  and  V.G. Debabov

The State Research Institute for Genetics and Selection of Industrial Microorganisms,  117545, Moscow Russia



The bio-based succinate production from renewable resources has prospective economical and environment benefits which motivates a heightened interest to the study of succinate-producing microorganisms. The pathways of succinate formation have well been studied and microorganisms that are capable of biomass converting to the target substance have been isolated and characterized; however, the realization of economically feasible industrial processes using native producers still remains a challenge. Traditionally, the Escherichia coli bacteria have been used as a workhouse to develop new processes for the biosynthesis of many valuable chemicals due to the extensive knowledge of its metabolism, available genetic tools and good growth characteristics combined with low nutrient requirements. This review is focused on the modern rational approaches to the construction of recombinant E. coli strains that efficiently produce succinic acid from glucose.


Key words:  Escherichia coli,  metabolic engineering,  producing strains,  succinic acid.


The full English version of the article was published in “Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology”, 2013, Vol. 49, Issue 7, pp. 629-637 as A. Yu. Skorokhodova, A. Yu. Gulevich, A. A. Morzhakova, R. S. Shakulov, V. G. Debabov “Metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli for the production of succinic acid from glucose”.

It is contained at the SpringerLink website:  and  at the Russian Scientific Electron Library website:

DOI: 10.1134/S0003683813070053


15.06.2015, 1793 просмотра.


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