Russian Journal of Biotechnology
Articles archive
Archive 2012
N 3
Obtaining and Characteristics of a Recombinant Albumin-Binding Polypeptide from G Group Streptococcus for Diabetic Nephropathy Diagnostics
Obtaining and Characteristics of a Recombinant Albumin-Binding Polypeptide from G Group Streptococcus for Diabetic Nephropathy DiagnosticsАвтор: T.V. Gupalova, E.A. Bormotova, M.M. Gladilina, and A.A. Totolyan Страница: 75-84
Obtaining and Characteristics of a Recombinant Albumin-Binding Polypeptide from G Group streptococcus for diabetic nephropathy Diagnostics Biotekhnologiya, 2012, N 3, P. 75-84 UDC 577.112.824.825:577.2 Section: “Metrology, Standartization, and Control”
T.V. Gupalova *, E.A. Bormotova, M.M. Gladilina, and A.A. Totolyan The Research Institute for Experimental Medicine, Russ. Acad. Med. Sci., North-West Dept., 197376, St.-Petersburg Russia e-mail: tvgupalova@rambler.ru
An A2 HSA-binding polypeptide from a DG13 strain of the group G streptococcus had been isolated from cow milk. It was shown, that the A2 polypeptide has higher HSA-binding activity relatively to the A1 polypeptide obtained from the G streptococcus of the human origin. An E. coli M 15 A2-producing strain allowing to obtain the A2 polypeptide with high yield and great HSA-binding activity was constructed. An essentially new method, REA (receptor-enzyme assay), for determining of microalbuminuria, a basic laboratory criterion of diabetic nephropathy pre-clinical diagnostics, was developed using the obtained A2 protein. This method is based on ELISA with the substitution of HSA-binding receptor protein for antibodies to HSA. We demonstrated that the design of a microarray for the assessment of microalbuminuria for screening and monitoring of diabetic nephropathy is also possible.
Key words: diabetic nephropathy, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), GA-module, HSA-binding polypeptide, microalbuminuria, microarray, recombinant protein.
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