Russian Journal of Biotechnology
Articles archive
Archive 2012
N 3
Development of a Two-Stage Method for Quantification of Hsp70-Binding Protein Concentration
Development of a Two-Stage Method for Quantification of Hsp70-Binding Protein ConcentrationАвтор: I.N. Nechaev, O.N. Solopova, S.V. Sizova, S.A. Khaustova, Ya.I. Davydov, and M.Yu.Shkurnikov Страница: 69-74
Development of a Two-Stage Method for Quantification of Hsp70-Binding Protein Concentration Biotekhnologiya, 2012, N 3, P. 69-74 UDC 57.088.2 Section: “Metrology, Standartization, and Control”
I.N. Nechaev 1, 4, O.N. Solopova 2, S.V. Sizova 3, S.A. Khaustova 4, Ya.I. Davydov 4, and M.Yu.Shkurnikov 1, * 1 The Research Institute for Pathology and Pathophysiology, Russ. Acad. Med. Sci., 125315, Moscow Russia 2 The All-russian Scientific Center for molecular Diagnostics and Therapy, 117638, Moscow Russia 3 The Center of Novel Technologies and Business, 115035, Moscow Russia 4 The Scientific Technical Center Bioclinicum, 119180, Moscow Russia e-mail: mshkurnikov@gmail.com
Mono- and polyclonal antibodies to the human heat-shock protein 70 kDa (HspBP1) have been obtained. A two-stage test system for the quantification of the protein was designed. The high specificity of the system was confirmed, and its sensitivity to the HspBP1 concentration in human blood serum of 0,3 ng/ml was demonstrated. The applicability of the suggested method to the detection of chaperone—cochaperone heterocomplexes in biological liquids is discussed.
Key words: adaptation, enzyme immunoassay, Hsp70-bindung protein (HspBP1).
The full English version of the article was published in “Biotechnology in Russia”, 2012, Issue 3, pp. 69-74 as I. N. Nechaev, O. N. Solopova, S. V. Sizova, S. A. Khaustova, Ya. I. Davydov, M. Yu.Shkurnikov “Development of a Two-Stage Method for Quantification of Hsp70-Binding Protein Concentration”. It is contained at the Russian Scientific Electron Library website: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=21490727
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