Russian Journal of Biotechnology Articles archive Archive 2012 N 3 Development of Biotechnological Methods for Intensification of Proline Supersynthesis by Brevibacterium flavum AP-112 Strain-Producer

Development of Biotechnological Methods for Intensification of Proline Supersynthesis by Brevibacterium flavum AP-112 Strain-Producer

Автор: A.A. Vardanyan, S.K. Keleshyan, Zh.V. Karapetyan, A.Kh. Chakhalyan, G.E. Avetisova, A.G. Davtyan, A.E. Agadzhanyan, and A.S. Sagiyan

Страница: 59-66


Development of Biotechnological Methods for Intensification of Proline Supersynthesis by Brevibacterium flavum AP-112 Strain-Producer

Biotekhnologiya, 2012, N 3, P. 59-66

UDC 577.112.388.2: 577: 151.52

Section:  “Biologicals Technology”


A.A. Vardanyan,  S.K. Keleshyan *,  Zh.V. Karapetyan,  A.Kh. Chakhalyan,  G.E. Avetisova,  A.G. Davtyan,  A.E. Agadzhanyan,  and  A.S. Sagiyan

The Sientific-Research Association Armbiotekhnologuiya, Natl. Acad. Sci. of Armenia Republic,  0056, Yerevan Armenia



A dependency of the level of proline accumulation in culture liquid on a number of technological parameters has been explored.  The optimal profiles of KLa, temperature and pH that include the values optimal for each growth phase and provide the maximal yield of the end product were revealed. The combination of the elaborated optimal profiles in the process of fermentation provides a 24—25% increase in the end product yield, 10% enhancement of the conversion ratio, reduction of fermentation time by 8—10 h and 4% lowering of concentrations of side amino acids, which in sum results in a significant growth of fermentation process efficiency.


Key words:  amino acids,  fermentation,  L-proline,  strain-producer,  technological parameters.


The full English version of the article was published in “Biotechnology in Russia”, 2012, Issue 3, pp. 59-66 as A. A. Vardanyan, S. K. Keleshyan, Zh. V. Karapetyan, A. Kh. Chakhalyan, G. E. Avetisova, A. G. Davtyan, A. E. Agadzhanyan, A. S. Sagriyan “Development of Biotechnological Methods for Intensification of Proline Supersynthesis by Brevibacterium flavum AP-112 Producing Stain.

It is contained at the Russian Scientific Electron Library website:


25.05.2015, 1734 просмотра.


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