Russian Journal of Biotechnology Articles archive Archive 2012 N 3 A Possibility of Increasing in Ecdysteroid Content in Callus and Suspension Cultures of Ajuga turkestanica using Induced Morphogenesis

A Possibility of Increasing in Ecdysteroid Content in Callus and Suspension Cultures of Ajuga turkestanica using Induced Morphogenesis

Автор: R.P. Zakirova, I.T. Abdukadyrov, and M.R. Yakubova

Страница: 44-47


A possibility of increasing in ecdysteroid content in callus and suspension cultures of Ajuga turkestanica using induced morphogenesis

Biotekhnologiya, 2012, N 3, P. 44-47

UDC 581.143

Section:  “Producers, Biology, Selection, and Gene Engineering”

Short Communication


R.P. Zakirova *,  I.T. Abdukadyrov,  and  M.R. Yakubova

The Yunusov Institute of Chemistry of Plant Substances, Natl. Acad. Sci. Uzbekistan,  100170, Tashkent Uzbekistan



Key words:  Ajuga turkestanica,  callus and suspension cell culture,  differentiation,  ecdysteroids.


The full English version of the article was published in “Biotechnology in Russia”, 2012, Issue 3, pp. 44-47 as R. P. Zakirova, I. T. Abdukadyrov, and M. R. Yakubova “A possibility of increasing in ecdysteroid content in callus and suspension cultures of Ajuga turkestanica by induced morphogenesis.

It is contained at the Russian Scientific Electron Library website:


25.05.2015, 1972 просмотра.


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