Russian Journal of Biotechnology
Articles archive
Archive 2012
N 4
Design of Polymeric Microspheres for Immunofluorescent Analysis
Design of Polymeric Microspheres for Immunofluorescent AnalysisАвтор: E.V. Volkova, I.A. Gritskova, S.A. Gusev, A.D. Lukashevich, A.A. Gusev, E.N. Levshenko, L.A. Zlydneva, and K.O. Sochilina Страница: 74-81
Design of Polymeric Microspheres for Immunofluorescent Analysis Biotekhnologiya, 2012, N 4, P. 74-81 UDC 541.64:543.426 Section: “Metrology, Standartization, and Control”
E.V. Volkova 1, *, I.A. Gritskova 1, S.A. Gusev 2, A.D. Lukashevich 1, A.A. Gusev 2, E.N. Levshenko 1, L.A. Zlydneva 1, and K.O. Sochilina 3 1 The Lomonosov Moscow State University for Fine Chemical Technologies, 119571, Moscow Russia 2 The Research Institute for Physicochemical Medicine, 119435, Moscow Russia 3 Synthesis of Polymeric Sorbents, Co., 119361, Moscow Russia e-mail: voleko@gmail.com
Carboxylated polystyrene suspensions with narrow particle-size distribution have been synthesized by seed polymerization in a mixture containing organosilicone surfactants. The characteristics of the particles such as average particle diameter (5,8 μm), zeta-potential (–31,6 mV) and functional group quantity were determined. We have developed a technique that makes it possible to homogeneously stain the microspheres with a fluorescent dye across the whole body of their suspension and to reach various emission intensity. Mixtures of these microspheres might make these particles helpful for multiplex immunofluorescent bead-based analysis.
Key words: immunofluorescent analysis, narrow particle-size distribution, organosilicone surfactant, polystyrene microspheres, seed polymerization.
The full English version of the article was published in “Biotechnology in Russia”, 2012, Issue 4, pp. 74-81 as E.V. Volkova, I.A. Gritskova, S.A. Gusev, A.D. Lukashevich, A.A. Gusev, E.N. Levchenko, L.A. Zlydneva, K.O. Sochilina “Design of Polymeric Microspheres for Immunofluorescent Analysis”. It is contained at the Russian Scientific Electron Library website: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=21532468
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