Russian Journal of Biotechnology
Articles archive
Archive 2012
N 4
Synthesis of L-Lysine-α-Oxidase by Trichoderma Fungi during Submerged Cultivation
Synthesis of L-Lysine-α-Oxidase by Trichoderma Fungi during Submerged CultivationАвтор: K.V. Makrushin, A.Yu. Arinbasarova, E.V. Lukasheva, A.G. Medentsev, and T.T. Berezov Страница: 39-44
Synthesis of L-Lysine-α-Oxidase by Trichoderma Fungi during Submerged Cultivation Biotekhnologiya, 2012, N 4, P. 39-44 UDC 582.282.125: 577.152.1 Section: “Biologicals Technology”
K.V. Makrushin 1, *, A.Yu. Arinbasarova 1, *, E.V. Lukasheva 2, A.G. Medentsev 1, and T.T. Berezov 2 1 The Skryabin Institute for Biochemistry and Physiology of Microorganisms, Russ. Acad. Sci., 142290, Pushchino, Moskovskaya oblast Russia 2 The Russian University of People’s Friendship, Dept. of Biochemistry, 117198, Moscow Russia e-mail: aarin@rambler.ru, makr82@rambler.ru
A capacity of synthesing of L-lisine-α-oxidase (LO) by the submerged culturing of four Trichoderma strains that were previously shown to produce LO has been investigated. The enzyme synthesis was only observed in two strains, T. aureoviride VKM F–2026 and T. cf. aureoviride Rifai VKM F-4268D, bran being a necessary compound of the used nutrient media. The enzyme activity strongly depended on nitrogen salt concentration. The greatest LO production (120 U/g of bran) was recorded using the T. cf. aureoviride Rifai VKM F-4268D strain in the occurrence of 6% NH4NO3; the activity was in this case by twofold higher than during culturing on solid substrate (bran). Under the optimum conditions (pO2 = 70—80%, pH no higher than 6,0 and temperature of 28°C), the LO biosynthesis in laboratory bioreactors reached 175 U/g, the value we failed to find out among the reported data concerning any type of fermentation. The homogenous enzyme preparation isolated from culture liquid by ion-exchange chromatography had the similar characteristics with the LO obtained using the T. cf. aureoviride Rifai VKM F-4268D solid-phase culturing.
Key words: biosynthesis, bulk cultivation, L-lysine-α-оxidase, Trichoderma.
The full English version of the article was published in “Biotechnology in Russia”, 2012, Issue 4, pp. 39-44 as K.V. Makrushin, A.Yu. Arinbasarova, E.V. Lukasheva, A.G. Medentsev, T.T. Berezov “Synthesis of L-Lysine-α-Oxidase by Trichoderma Fungi during Submerged Cultivation”. It is contained at the Russian Scientific Electron Library website: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=21532462
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