Russian Journal of Biotechnology Articles archive Archive 2012 N 5 Physicochemical Characteristics and Antimicrobial Activity of an Antibiotic Complex Produced by a Chiania sp. 322 Actynomycete

Physicochemical Characteristics and Antimicrobial Activity of an Antibiotic Complex Produced by a Chiania sp. 322 Actynomycete

Автор: T.B. Zaitseva, T.D. Trosheva, V.I. Sukharevich, Yu.D. Shenin, and N.G. Medvedeva

Страница: 86-95


Physicochemical Characteristics and Antimicrobial Activity of an Antibiotic Complex Produced by a Chiania sp. 322 Actynomycete

Biotekhnologiya, 2012, N 5, P. 86-95

UDC 577.15.633.1

Section:  “Utilization of Biopreparations”


T.B. Zaitseva 1, *,  T.D. Trosheva 1,  V.I. Sukharevich 1,  Yu.D. Shenin 2,  and  N.G. Medvedeva 1, *

1  The St.-Petersburg Research Center for Ecological Safety, Russ. Acad. Sci.,  197110, St.-Petersburg Russia

2  The All-Russian Research Institute for Plant Protection,  196608, Pushkin, St.-Petersburg Russia

е-mail:  оо


An actinomycete culture Chainia sp. 322 has been isolated from soil. The strain produces an antibiotic complex with wide spectrum of action and high antimicrobial activity against Gram-positive bacteria, some Gram-negative bacteria, cyanobacteria, yeasts and micromycetes. This isolate is highly active towards both material-destroying micromycetes (of Aspergillus, Penicillium and other genera) and phytopathogenic fungi (Alternaria and Fusarium genera). The activity level of the raw antibiotic complex 322 is comparable with those of famous antifungal and antibacterial preparations. It was shown by chromatography and spectral methods that the 322 antibiotic complex consists of three main components: aromatic heptaene with antifungal activity and two non-polyene macrolide antibiotics predominantly characterized by antibacterial activity. The high biological activity and wide spectrum of action of the 322 antibiotic complex assume the expediency of its continuous studies aimed at the design of antimicrobial preparations for different purposes on its basis.


Key words:  actinomycete,  antibiotic,  antimicrobial activity,  identification,  isolation.


The full English version of the article was published in “Biotechnology in Russia”, 2012, Issue 5, pp. 86-95 as T.B. Zaitseva, T.D. Trosheva, V.I. Sukharevich, Yu.D. Shenin, N.G. Medvedeva “Physicochemical Characteristics and Antimicrobial Activity of an Antibiotic Complex Produced by a Chiania sp. 322 Actynomycete.

It is contained at the Russian Scientific Electron Library website:


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