Russian Journal of Biotechnology Articles archive Archive 2012 N 5 Development of a Method for Obtaining of Demineralized Bone Matrix with High Residual Content of Native Bone Tissue Growth Factors

Development of a Method for Obtaining of Demineralized Bone Matrix with High Residual Content of Native Bone Tissue Growth Factors

Автор: A.V. Gromov, K.E. Nikitin, T.A. Karpova, M.S. Bartov, D.M. Mishina, M.E. Subbotina, N.V. Shevliagina, M.A. Sergienkov, L.A. Soboleva, A.P. Kotnova, N.E. Sharapova, A.S. Semikhin, L.V. Didenko, A.S. Kariagina, and V.G. Lunin

Страница: 66-75


Development of a Method for Obtaining of Demineralized Bone Matrix with High Residual Content of Native Bone Tissue Growth Factors

Biotekhnologiya, 2012, N 5, P. 66-75

UDC 606:61

Section:  “Biologicals Technology”


A.V. Gromov 1, *,  K.E. Nikitin 1,  T.A. Karpova 1,  M.S. Bartov 1,  D.M. Mishina 1,  M.E. Subbotina 1,  N.V. Shevliagina 1,  M.A. Sergienkov 1,  L.A. Soboleva 1,  A.P. Kotnova 1,  N.E. Sharapova 1,  A.S. Semikhin 1,  L.V. Didenko 1,  A.S. Kariagina 1, 2, 3,  and  V.G. Lunin 1, 2

1  The Gamaleya Research Institute for Epidemiology and Microbiology,  123098, Moscow Russia

2  The All-Russian Institute for Agricultural Biotechnology, Russ. Acad. Agric. Sci.,  127550, Moscow Russia

3  The Belozerskii Research Institute for Physicochemical Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University,  119992, Moscow Russia



A method for obtaining of demineralized bone matrix (DBM) as chips of varying grain size for the use as either individual osteoplastic material, or constituent of medical products designed for the replacement of bone volume in traumatology, orthopedy, stomatology, oral and maxillofacial surgery has been developed. The residual content of the native bone morphogenic proteins, BMP-2 and BMP-7, in DBM was analyzed as a function of the employed material processing conditions. The optimal conditions for obtaining of DBM with the maximum possible content of the native bone growth factors ensuring the best osteoinductivity of the material were established. The original technology of DBM production involves the control of the product sterility and of a number of parameters including the contents of lipid, calcium, native BMP-2 and BMP-7, humidity and pH. The developed medical products on the basis of DBM were registered, and their certificates of suitability were received.


Key words:  bone morphogenic protein,  demineralized bone matrix,  osteoinductivity.


The full English version of the article was published in “Biotechnology in Russia”, 2012, Issue 5, pp. 66-75 as A.V. Gromov, K.E. Nikitin, T.A. Karpova, M.S. Bartov, D.M. Mishina, M.E. Subbotina, N.V. Shevliagina, M.A. Sergienkov, L.A. Soboleva, A.P. Kotnova, N.E. Sharapova, A.S. Semikhin, L.V. Didenko, A.S. Kariagina, V.G. Lunin “Development of a Method for Obtaining of Dimineralized Bone Matrix with High Residual Content of Native Bone Tissue Growth Factors.

It is contained at the Russian Scientific Electron Library website:


06.05.2015, 1903 просмотра.


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