Russian Journal of Biotechnology Articles archive Archive 2012 N 5 Optimization of Fed-Batch Culturing of CHO Cells Expressing Recombinant Darbepoietin-alpha in Circuited Volume

Optimization of Fed-Batch Culturing of CHO Cells Expressing Recombinant Darbepoietin-alpha in Circuited Volume

Автор: A.A. Nurbakov, N.V. Lobanova, I.N. Savinova, R.R. Shukurov, N.V. Orlova, A.G. Mosina, L.V. Ermolina, E.N. Sautkina, R.A. Khamitov, and Yu.A. Seryogin

Страница: 55-65


Optimization of Fed-Batch Culturing of CHO Cells Expressing Recombinant Darbepoietin-alpha in Circuited Volume

Biotekhnologiya, 2012, N 5, P. 55-65

UDC 602.6:612

Section:  “Biologicals Technology”


A.A. Nurbakov 1, *,  N.V. Lobanova 1,  I.N. Savinova 1,  R.R. Shukurov 1,  N.V. Orlova 1,  A.G. Mosina 1,  L.V. Ermolina 2,  E.N. Sautkina 2,  R.A. Khamitov 2,  and  Yu.A. Seryogin 1

1  Limited Liability Company “PHARMAPARK”,  117246, Moscow Russia

2  The State Research Institute for Genetics and Selection of Industrial Microorganisms,  117545, Moscow Russia



The study of cell growth rate and productivity for recombinant darbepoietin-alpha-producing CHO-­based cell line in plates and shaker flasks with the addition of various feeds aimed at increasing in product yield has been performed. It was demonstrated that Efficient Feed B (Invitrogen) provides the maximum improvement of the process in terms of productivity. A possibility of scaling the cultivation process up to wave bioreactor with disposable bags was investigated; the product yield per one cultivation cycle was 65-fold increased as compared to the flask growing, the specific productivity of the cell culture remaining constant.


Key words:  bioreactor,  CHO cells,  darbepoietin-alpha,  fed-batch culturing,  feed,  optimization.


The full English version of the article was published in “Biotechnology in Russia”, 2012, Issue 5, pp. 55-65 as A.A. Nurbakov, N.V. Lobanova, I.N. Savinova, R.R. Shikurov, N.V. Orlova, A.G. Mosina, L.V. Ermolina, E.N. Sautkina, R.A. Khamitov, Yu.A. Seryogin “Optimization of Fed-Batch Culturing of CHO Cells Expressing Recombinant Darbepoietin-alpha in Circuited Volume.

It is contained at the Russian Scientific Electron Library website:

06.05.2015, 1964 просмотра.


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