Russian Journal of Biotechnology
Articles archive
Archive 2012
N 5
The α-Amino Acid Ester Hydrolases: Properties and Application
The α-Amino Acid Ester Hydrolases: Properties and ApplicationАвтор: V.B. Kurochkina, A.V. Sklyarenko, O.V. Berezina, and S.V. Yarotsky Страница: 8-37
The α-Amino Acid Ester Hydrolases: Properties and Application Biotekhnologiya, 2012, N 5, P. 8-37 UDC 579.66; 615.33; 615.35 Section: “Problems and Prospects”
V.B. Kurochkina, A.V. Sklyarenko *, O.V. Berezina, and S.V. Yarotsky The State Research Institute for Genetics and Selection of Industrial Microorganisms, 117545, Moscow Russia e-mail: anval2@yandex.ru
Two main groups of α-amino acid ester hydrolases (АЕНs) possessing common features of active site structure which determine a unique specificity of the enzymes to esters containing amino in the α-position to carbonyl group, are discussed in the review. The first group includes microbial AEHs relating to β-lactam acylases. The technological biocatalysts designed on their basis are applied for the production of semi-synthetic amino- β-lactam antibiotics. The second group of the AEHs is represented by eukaryotic enzymes, valacyclovirases, that activate in vivo a number of broad range antiviral and anticancer prodrugs. The directed activities of these enzymes are employed in designing of target pharmaceutical preparations for the therapy of viral and oncological diseases. The reported data on the structure and properties, substrate specificity and kinetic parameters of the enzymes of the two groups are generalized and compared. The results of the investigations on the AEH active site identification that provide the molecular basis for their exceptional specificity are discussed. The information from articles and patents about aminopenicillin and aminocephalosporin syntheses catalyzed by AEH of β-lactam acylase type are collected and systematized.
Key words: α-amino acid ester hydrolase, aminocephalosporins, aminopenicillins, enzymatic synthesis of antibiotics, valacyclovirase.
The full English version of the article was published in “Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology”, 2013, Vol. 49, Issue 8, pp. 672-694 as V.B. Kurochkina, A.V. Sklyarenko, O.V. Berezina, S.V. Yarotskii “Alpha-amino acid ester hydrolases: Properties and applications”. It is contained at the SpringerLink websitehttp://link.springer.com/article/10.1134/S0003683813080036 and at the Russian Scientific Electron Library website: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=21889138 DOI: 10.1134/S0003683813080036
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