Russian Journal of Biotechnology Articles archive Archive 2012 N 6 Design of Latex Agglutination Test System for Yersinia pestis F1 Capsular Antigen Detection

Design of Latex Agglutination Test System for Yersinia pestis F1 Capsular Antigen Detection

Автор: T.A. Ivashchenko, E.V. Belova, S.V. Dentovskaya, S.A. Bel'kova, S.V. Balakhonov, and I.G. Shemyakin

Страница: 76-85


Design of Latex Agglutination Test System for Yersinia pestis F1 Capsular Antigen Detection

Biotekhnologiya, 2012, N 6, P. 76-85

UDC 571.27 + 579.61

Section:  “Metrology, Standartization, and Control”


T.A. Ivashchenko 1, *,  E.V. Belova 1,  S.V. Dentovskaya 1,  S.A. Bel'kova 2,  S.V. Balakhonov 2,  and  I.G. Shemyakin 1

1  The State Research Center for Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology,  142279, Obolensk, Moskovskaya oblast Russia

2  The Irkutsk Antiplague Research Institute of Siberia and Far East,  644000, Irkutsk Russia



Monoclonal antibodies to Yersinia pestis F1 capsular antigen have been obtained. They do not cross-react with closely related Yersinia and heterologous microorganisms. A latex agglutination test system for the detection of F1 antigen was designed on their basis with the sensitivity of 4 ng/ml. Commission tests of the experimental samples of the designed test system have been carried out.


Key words:  commission tests,  dot-blot analysis,  F1 capsular antigen,  latex agglutination test,  latex beads,  latex test system,  lyophilization,  monoclonal antibodies.


The full English version of the article was published in “Biotechnology in Russia”, 2012, Issue 6, pp. 76-85 as T.A. Ivashchenko, E.V. Belova, S.V. Dentovskaya, S.A. Bel’kova, S.V. Balakhonov, I.G. Shemyakin “Design of Latex Agglutination Test System for Yersinia pestis F1 Capsular Antigen Detection.

It is contained at the Russian Scientific Electron Library website:


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