Russian Journal of Biotechnology
Articles archive
Archive 2012
N 6
Expression of Recombinant Proteins in Transgenic Animals’ Milk
Expression of Recombinant Proteins in Transgenic Animals’ MilkАвтор: Yu.М. Khodarovich, I.L. Goldman, Е.R. Sadchikova, and P.G. Georgiev Страница: 8-22
Expression of Recombinant Proteins in Transgenic Animals’ Milk Biotekhnologiya, 2012, N 6, P. 8-22 UDC 573.6 Section: “Problems and Prospects”
Yu.М. Khodarovich 1, *, I.L. Goldman 2, Е.R. Sadchikova 2, and P.G. Georgiev 2 1 The Shemyakin-Ovchinnikov Institute for Bioorganic Chemistry, Russ. Acad. Sci., 117997, Moscow Russia 2 The Institute of Gene Biology, Russ. Acad. Sci., 119334, Moscow Russia e-mail: khodarovich@mail.ru
Expression in milk of transgenic farm animal is one of the most effective ways to produce eukaryotic recombinant proteins. In this review, we discuss the problems of helpfulness of this expression system in the protein production and the characteristics of appropriate processes.
Key words: biotechnology, milk, recombinant proteins, transgenic animals.
The full English version of the article was published in “Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology”, 2013, Vol. 49, Issue 9, pp. 711-722 as Yu. М. Khodarovich, I. L. Goldman, Е. R. Sadchikova, and P. G. Georgiev “Expression of eukaryotic recombinant proteins and deriving them from the milk of transgenic animals”. It is contained at the SpringerLink website: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1134/S0003683813090020 and at the Russian Scientific Electron Library website: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=21888599 DOI: 10.1134/S0003683813090020
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