Russian Journal of Biotechnology Articles archive Archive 2013 N 1 Role of Peptidoglycan-Recognition Proteins in Mechanisms of Innate Immunity

Role of Peptidoglycan-Recognition Proteins in Mechanisms of Innate Immunity

Автор: M.Yu. Shkurnikov, V.V. Stepanova, I.N. Nechaev, N.A. Khaustova, and E.A. Tonevitsy

Страница: 26-32


Role of Peptidoglycan-Recognition Proteins in Mechanisms of Innate Immunity

Biotekhnologiya, 2013, N 1, P. 26-32

UDC 577.2

Section:  “Producers, Biology, Selection, and Gene Engineering”


M.Yu. Shkurnikov 1, *,  V.V. Stepanova 2,  I.N. Nechaev 1,  N.A. Khaustova 2,  and  E.A. Tonevitsy

1  The Research Institute for General Pathology and Pathophysiology, Russ. Acad. Med. Sci.,  125315, Moscow Russia

2  The Research-and-Technique Center BioClinicum,  115088, Moscow Russia



The review discusses the structure of peptidoglycan-recognition proteins (PGRP) and their involvement in the processes occurring in human immune system. The data on bactericidal, anti-phlogistic, antitumor and other types of activities of the members of the PGRP family were summarized. A structural and functional diversity of the individual representatives of the PGRP family was shown. A contribution of the PGRP-complexes to the immune response development was discussed.


Key words:  cytotoxicity,  Hsh70,  PGRP1.


The full English version of the article was published in “Biotechnology in Russia”, 2013, Issue 1, pp. 26-32 as M.Yu. Shkurnikov, V.V. Stepanova, I.N. Nechaev, N.A. Khaustova, and E.A. Tonevitsky “Role of Peptidoglycan-Recognition Proteins in Mechanisms of Innate Immunity.

It is contained at the Russian Scientific Electron Library website:


27.04.2015, 1592 просмотра.


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