Russian Journal of Biotechnology Articles archive Archive 2013 N 1 Optimization of Culturing of Euraryotic Producing Cells based on CHO Line for Obtaining of Biopharmaceutical Preparations

Optimization of Culturing of Euraryotic Producing Cells based on CHO Line for Obtaining of Biopharmaceutical Preparations

Автор: N.V. Lobanova, A.A. Nurbakov, E.N. Sautkina, R.A. Khamitov, and Yu.A. Seryogin

Страница: 8-25


Optimization of Culturing of Euraryotic Producing Cells based on CHO Line for Obtaining of Biopharmaceutical Preparations

Biotekhnologiya, 2013, N 1, P. 8-25

UDC 602.6:612

Section:  “Problems and Prospects”


N.V. Lobanova 1, *,  A.A. Nurbakov 1,  E.N. Sautkina 2,  R.A. Khamitov 2,  and  Yu.A. Seryogin 1

1  The “Pharmapark” Company,  117246, Moscow Russia

2  The State Research Institute for Genetics and Selection of Industrial Microorganisms,  117545, Moscow Russia



A current review describes the aspects of the Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO) cultivation as a major system for the production of recombinant protein biopharmaceuticals. A comparison of various types and regimes of culturing was performed. A special attention was paid to the  optimization of culturing conditions aimed at the enhancement of productivity and protein glycosylation. The selection of physicochemical parameters (temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen) and composition of nutrient medium, additives and supplementats were discussed. A comparative revewing of different bioreactor types was performed.


Key words:  bioreactor,  biotechnology,  CHO cells,  cultivation,  feed,  glycosylation,  optimization.


The full English version of the article was published in “Biotechnology in Russia”, 2013, Issue 1, pp. 8-25 as N.V. Lobanova, A.A. Nurbakov, E.N. Sautkina, R.A. Khamitov, and Yu.A. Seryogin “Optimization of Culturing of Eucaryotic Producing Cells based on CHO Line for Obtaining of Biopharmaceutical Preparations.

It is contained at the Russian Scientific Electron Library website:


27.04.2015, 1538 просмотров.


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