Russian Journal of Biotechnology
Articles archive
Archive 2013
N 2
Biotechnological Aspects of Iris sibirica L. in vitro Propagation
Biotechnological Aspects of Iris sibirica L. in vitro PropagationАвтор: L.I. Tikhomirova Страница: 74-78
Biotechnological Aspects of Iris sibirica L. in vitro Propagation Biotekhnologiya, 2013, N 2, P. 74-78 UDC 575: 631.527 Section: “Biologicals Technology”
L.I. Tikhomirova The Altai State University, 656049, Barnaul Russia e-mail: L-tichomirova@yandex.ru
A method of maintained somatic embryogenesis (MSE) during in vitro plant propagation that represents alternating of passages on media containing high and low concentrations of cytokinins (BAP) has been known. In this work, it was shown that this approach can be improved by the supplementation of low BAP-containing medium with nonhormonal growth-stimulating compounds, L-glutamin and adenine sulfate (100 mg/l of each). The growth coefficient then reaches a stable value of 2,0, and the mean plant size is 60—70 mm. Those microsprouts can root effectively and demonstrate an active growth at the following stages of clonal micropropagation.
Key words: clonal micropropagation, Iris sibirica L., nutrient media, protocol of culturing, regeneration.
The full English version of the article was published in “Biotechnology in Russia”, 2013, Issue 2, pp. 74-78 as L.I. Tikhomirova “Biotechnological Aspects of Iris sibirica L. in vitro Propagation”. It is contained at the Russian Scientific Electron Library website: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=21818761
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