Russian Journal of Biotechnology
Articles archive
Archive 2013
N 3
Development of Real Time RT-PCR to Identify Bluetongue Serotype 14 Virus
Development of Real Time RT-PCR to Identify Bluetongue Serotype 14 VirusАвтор: A.V. Panferova, A.Yu. Kol'tsov, S.Zh. Tsybanov, P.A. Krasochko, and D.V. Kolbasov Страница: 81-85
Development of Real Time RT-PCR to Identify Bluetongue Serotype 14 Virus Biotekhnologiya, 2013, N 3, P. 81-85 UDC 619:616.98:578.823.1:577.2 Section: “Metrology, Standardization, and Control”
A.V. Panferova *, A.Yu. Kol'tsov, S.Zh. Tsybanov, P.A. Krasochko, and D.V. Kolbasov The All-Russian Institute for Veterinary Virology and Microbiology, Russ. Acad. Agric. Sci., 601120, Vladimirskaya oblast, Pokrov Russia е-mail: vniivvim@niiv.petush.elcom.ru
an original system oligonucleotide primers—DNA-probe has been designed as a basis for serotype-specific real time RT-PCR to identify bluetongue serotype 14 virus. Data on the assessment of analytical specificity are represented; analytical sensitivity of the method made up 0,75 lg TCD50/cm3
Key words: bluetongue virus, RNA, RT-PCR real time, serotype.
The full English version of the article was published in “Biotechnology in Russia”, 2013, Issue 3, pp. 81-85 as A.V. Panferova, A.Yu. Kol'tsov, S.Zh. Tsybanov, P.A. Krasochko, and D.V. Kolbasov “Development of Real Time RT-PCR to Identify Bluetongue Serotype 14 Virus”. It is contained at the Russian Scientific Electron Library website: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=22952563
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