Russian Journal of Biotechnology Articles archive Archive 2013 N 4 Obtaining and Characteristics of Biologically Active Products of Brown Coal Solubilization by White Mold Basidial Fungi

Obtaining and Characteristics of Biologically Active Products of Brown Coal Solubilization by White Mold Basidial Fungi

Автор: O.I. Klein, N.A. Kulikova, E.V. Stepanova, O.I. Filippova, T.V. Fedorova, L.G. Maloshenok, I.S. Filimonov, and O.V. Koroleva

Страница: 65-73


Obtaining and Characteristics of Biologically Active Products of Brown Coal Solubilization by White Mold Basidial Fungi

Biotekhnologiya, 2013, N 4, P. 65-73

UDC 604.4:582.28

Section:  “Utilization of Biopreparations”


O.I. Klein 1,  N.A. Kulikova 3,  E.V. Stepanova 1,  O.I. Filippova 2,  T.V. Fedorova 1,  L.G. Maloshenok 1,  I.S. Filimonov 3,  and  O.V. Koroleva 1, *

1  The Bach Institute for Biochemistry, Russ. Acad. Sci.,  119071, Moscow Russia

2  The Faculty of Soil Science, Lomonosov Moscow State university,  119991, Moscow Russia

3  The International Education-Research Center of Biotechnology, Lomonosov Moscow State university,  119991, Moscow Russia



A biosolubilizing activity of Trametes hirsuta and T. maxima basidiomycetes towards brown coal during liquid-phase cultivation has been studied. The degrading capacity of the studied fungi was demonstrated to be ensured by the activity of ligninolytic enzymes of Mn-peroxidase and lignin-peroxidase. A growth-stimulating capacity of the biopreparations (BPs) based on the culture liquids of the studied strains grown in a complete or limited medium was assessed. The obtained BPs were shown to inhibit wheat shoots and roots at the germination stage, but the later stages of plant development are either not suppressed or even stimulated by the BPs. After the basidiomycets were cultivated in the presence of brown coal, the obtained BPs stimulated the root growth at the germination stage and either did not influence the plant growth (BP derived from the T. hirsuta culture liquid) or stimulated it (BP derived from T. maxima culture liquid) at the later stages of the plant development. A pronounced detoxifying ability of the BPs in respect of an atrazine herbicide was observed. This activity was presumably related to the occurrence of laccases in the studied BPs.


Key words:  biosolubilization,  brown coal,  lingninolytic  enzymes,  Trametes hirsuta,  Trametes maxima.


The full English version of the article was published in “Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology”, 2014, Vol.50, Issue 7, pp. 730-736 as O. I. Klein, N. A. Kulikova, E. V. Stepanova, O. I. Filippova, T. V. Fedorova, L. G. Maloshenok, I. S. Filimonov, and O. V. Koroleva “Preparation and characterization of bioactive products obtained via the solubilization of brown coal by white rot fungi”.

It is contained at the SpringerLink website:

DOI: 10.1134/S0003683814070035


03.04.2015, 1692 просмотра.


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