Russian Journal of Biotechnology
Articles archive
Archive 2013
N 5
Design of Polymeric Antigenic Cholera Diagnostic Preparations for Detection of Specific Anti-Cholera Antibodies
Design of Polymeric Antigenic Cholera Diagnostic Preparations for Detection of Specific Anti-Cholera AntibodiesАвтор: L.V. Larionova, N.R. Telesmanich, I.V. Arkhangelskaya, A.N. Narkevich, E.Yu. Liukshina, A.A. Chernikova, D.I. Simakova, V.V. Agafonova, V.D. Kruglikov, and A.N. Terentiev Страница: 90-94
Design of Polymeric Antigenic Cholera Diagnostic Preparations for Detection of Specific Anti-Cholera Antibodies Russian Journal of Biotechnology, 2013, N 5, P. 90-94 UDC 616.932:612.017:616-074:541.64 Section: “Metrology, Standartization, and Control”
L.V. Larionova *, N.R. Telesmanich, I.V. Arkhangelskaya, A.N. Narkevich, E.Yu. Liukshina, A.A. Chernikova, D.I. Simakova, V.V. Agafonova, V.D. Kruglikov, and A.N. Terentiev The Rostov-on-Don Antiplague Institute, 344002, Rostov-on-Don Russia e-mail: 740_280@mail.ru
Polymeric antigenic diagnosticums for the detection of anti-cholera antibodies in sera of suspected cholera cases, persons having contacts with patients and also for the purposes of retrospective analysis in volumetric agglomeration reaction have been designed. Polyacrolein microspheres of 1.5 µm size were used as a carrier for the antigen. Total cell lysates of V. cholerae cholerae and V. cholerae O139 were used as sensitins. The diagnosticums were proved to be specific and capable of detecting anti-cholera antibodies in high-titer sera (1:2156—1:5120). When used for the analysis of heterological sera against main enteric pathogens, the reactions were negative (lacking of cross-specificity).
Key words: diagnosticum, polymeric microspheres, sensitin, volumetric agglomeration reaction.
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