Russian Journal of Biotechnology Articles archive Archive 2013 N 5 New Generation Enzyme Complexes for Juice Production

New Generation Enzyme Complexes for Juice Production

Автор: A.A. Volchok, E.V. Bushina, A.M. Rozhkova, I.N. Zorov, S.S. Shcherbakov, and A.P. Sinitsyn

Страница: 78-89


New Generation Enzyme Complexes for Juice Production

Russian Journal of Biotechnology, 2013, N 5, P. 78-89

UDC 663.35

Section:  “Utilization of Biopreparations”


A.A. Volchok 1, *,  E.V. Bushina 2,  A.M. Rozhkova 1,  I.N. Zorov 1, 2,  S.S. Shcherbakov 3,  and  A.P. Sinitsyn 1, 2

1  The Bach Institute for Biochemistry, Russ. Acad. Sci.,  119071, Moscow Russia

2  The Faculty of Chemistry, Moscow State University,  119991, Moscow Russia

3  The Russian State Agrarian University, Timiryazev Moscow Agric. Acad.,  127550, Moscow Russia



An effect of RN_IV-C9 and BI_PB9 enzyme preparations that had been obtained by lyophilization of culture liquids of recombinant strains of mold fungi of the Penicillium genus (P. canescens and P. verruculosum) on varios berry substrates has been studied. It was shown that the enzyme preparations added in amounts of 0.05% of material wet mass increased the yield of self-flowing and pressed juices of high-bush cranberry, strawberry, dog rose and hawthorn berries by 15—300%. The contents of polyphenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity were enhanced by 1.5 times and more than 4 times, respectively, as compared to a control variant (without the enzymatic treatment). The level of the positive effect depended on the properties of the used substrates, and characteristics of the enzyme preparations.


Key words:  enzyme preparations,  enzymatic treatment,  juice production,  pectinliase,  Penicillium canescens,  Penicilliun verruculosum.


01.04.2015, 1660 просмотров.


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