Russian Journal of Biotechnology Articles archive Archive 2013 N 5 Study on Immune Response to Mice Immunization by Recombinant Plasmids Incorporated in Biodegradable Microcapsules

Study on Immune Response to Mice Immunization by Recombinant Plasmids Incorporated in Biodegradable Microcapsules

Автор: V.I. Balysheva, S.Yu. Belov, N.N. Vlasova, O.V. Kapustina, O.E. Selina, I.R. Imatdinov, and E.A. Markvicheva

Страница: 71-77


Study on Immune Response to Mice Immunization by Recombinant Plasmids Incorporated in Biodegradable Microcapsules

Russian Journal of Biotechnology, 2013, N 5, P. 71-77

UDC 619:616.98:578.832.1:577.2

Section:  “Utilization of Biopreparations”


V.I. Balysheva 1, *,  S.Yu. Belov 1,  N.N. Vlasova 1, *,  O.V. Kapustina 1,  O.E. Selina 2,  I.R. Imatdinov 1,  and  E.A. Markvicheva 2

1  The All-Russian Research Institute for Veterinary Virology and Microbiology, Russ. Acad. Agric. Sci,  601120, Pokrov, Petushinskii region, Vladimirskaya oblast Russia

2  The Shemyakin-and-Ovchinnikov Institute for Bioorganic Chemistry, Russ. Acad. Sci.,  Moscow Russia



Polyelectrolyte microcapsules of various compositions (chitosan/k-carrageenan, DEAE-dextran/κ-carrageenan and alginate/poly-L-lysine) containing four encapsulated in them plasmids have been prepared. pInfHA and pInfNP micro-encapsulated plasmids containing various genome fragments of the H5 and H7 influenza viruses, respectively, induced a partial resistance (55—60%) to the infection with virulent strains of the appropriate influenza viruses after mice immunization. The level of virus-­specific antibody response to the introduction of the same amount of micro-encapsulated pInfHA and pInfNP plasmids was dependent on the composition of microcapsules. The inoculation to mice of immobilized microspheres with the encapsulated in them pTZ57R/Gc and pTZ57R/Gn plasmids containing full-length insertions of genes encoding the Gn and Gc glycoproteins of Rift Valley fever virus provided a twofold increased titer of virus-specific antibodies as compared to unencapsulated plasmids.


Key words:  antibodies,  influenza virus,  microencapsulation,  recombinant plasmids,  Rift Valley fever virus.


01.04.2015, 1684 просмотра.


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