Russian Journal of Biotechnology Articles archive Archive 2013 N 6 Assessment of Serodiagnostic Potential of 18 Recombinant and Synthetically Modified Mycobacterium tuberculosis Antigens

Assessment of Serodiagnostic Potential of 18 Recombinant and Synthetically Modified Mycobacterium tuberculosis Antigens

Автор: V.I. Dyatlova, P.I. Abronina, A.G. Bogun, L.O. Kononov, T.M. Mel'nikova, V.V. Mochalov, E.A. Panfertsev, N.M. Podvalnyi, and S.F. Biketov

Страница: 78-86


Assessment of Serodiagnostic Potential of 18 Recombinant and Synthetically Modified Mycobacterium tuberculosis Antigens

Russian Journal of Biotechnology, 2013, N 6, P. 78-86

UDC 616-07:061.62

Section:  “Metrology, Standartization, and Control”


V.I. Dyatlova 1, *,  P.I. Abronina 2,  A.G. Bogun 1,  L.O. Kononov 2,  T.M. Mel'nikova 2,  V.V. Mochalov 1,  E.A. Panfertsev 1,  N.M. Podvalnyi 2,  and  S.F. Biketov 1

1  The State Research Center for Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology,  142279, Obolensk, Moskovskaya oblast Russia

2  The Zelinskii Institute of Organic Chemistry, Russ. Acad. Sci.,  119991, Moscow Russia



Twelve recombinant and 6 synthetically modified Mycobacterium tuberculosis antigens have been obtained and tested as antigens using tuberculosis patients sera by enzyme immunoassay. Among the studied nonconjugated proteins, the best diagnostic accuracy was observed for the Rv3874 antigen. The chemical conjugation of the recombinant proteins with hexaarabinofuranoside of LAM permitted to increase in the sensitivity of detection by 5—16% depending on particular antigen. According to the accomplished calculations, the optimal combination of Mycobacterium tuberculosis antigens for the tuberculosis serodiagnostic test consists of Rv3874 and the conjugates of the Rv2875 and Rv1886с-Rv3875 proteins with LAM.


Key words:  antigens,  chemical conjugation,  serodiagnosis,  tuberculosis.


31.03.2015, 1581 просмотр .


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