Russian Journal of Biotechnology Articles archive Archive 2013 N 6 Polymeric Microspheres as Carriers of Fluorescent Labels during Creation of a Three-Dimentional Model of Vascular Channel in Test Animals

Polymeric Microspheres as Carriers of Fluorescent Labels during Creation of a Three-Dimentional Model of Vascular Channel in Test Animals

Автор: E.N. Levshenko, I.A. Gritskova, S.A. Gusev, A.A. Gusev, and E.A. Volkova

Страница: 65-70


Polymeric Microspheres as Carriers of Fluorescent Labels during Creation of a Three-Dimentional Model of Vascular Channel in Test Animals

Russian Journal of Biotechnology, 2013, N 6, P. 65-70

UDC 678.7:591.41

Section:  “Utilization of Biopreparations”


E.N. Levshenko 1, *,  I.A. Gritskova 1,  S.A. Gusev 2,  A.A. Gusev 2,  and  E.A. Volkova 2

1  The Lomonosov Moscow State University for Fine Chemical Technologies,  119571, Moscow Russia

2  The Research Institute for Physicochemical Medicine, Federal Medicobiological Agency,  119435, Moscow Russia



A method for the three-dimensional visualization of the structure of test animals vascular channel using fluorescently labeled polymeric microspheres has been developed. It was shown, that PMMA microspheres 0,4 microns in diameter with a narrow size distribution containing carboxylic groups on the surface were suitable for this method. The requirements to polymeric microspheres applied to this method were formulated. The developed method provides information about the nature of vessel gap contour to assess the occurrence or absence of obstructions to blood flow and degree of tortuosity of vessel wall.


Key words:  angiogenesis,  heterophase polymerization,  fluorescent label,  organosilicone surfactant,  polymer microspheres,  vasculature.


31.03.2015, 1464 просмотра.


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