Russian Journal of Biotechnology Articles archive Archive 2013 N 6 Microbial Oxidation of a Mixture of Waste Oils in Fluid Medium

Microbial Oxidation of a Mixture of Waste Oils in Fluid Medium

Автор: D.A. Filatov, L.I. Svarovskaya, V.G. Kochetov, and V.Yu. Selyavskii

Страница: 57-64


Microbial Oxidation of a Mixture of Waste Oils in Fluid Medium

Russian Journal of Biotechnology, 2013, N 6, P. 57-64

UDC 579.873.6.017.7

Section:  “Ecology”


D.A. Filatov 1, *,  L.I. Svarovskaya 1,  V.G. Kochetov 2,  and  V.Yu. Selyavskii 2

1  The Institute of Petroleum Chemistry, Russ. Acad. Sci., Siberian Branch,  634021, Tomsk Russia

2  The Siberian Chemical Combine (SKhK),  636039, Seversk Russia



A possibility of an efficient biochemical oxidation of a mixture of waste vacuum oils by hydrocarbon-oxidizing microorganisms of the Arthrobacter globiformis, Bacillus cereus, Pseudomonas stutzeri и P. putida species has been shown. During the oxidation of the waste oil hydrocarbons, the number of microorganisms enhanced by 5—9 orders of magnitude up to 30·109 CFU/ml. The suggested method that comprises draining of metabolic products during the experiment provides the biodegradation efficiency of 69% in 30 days for the starting waste oil concentrations of 25% and 50% by weight. The physicochemical investigation of the mixture of waste vacuum oils before and after biodegradation was conducted. It was established that the treated oil was substantially deprived of oxygen compounds in their free forms. All the intermediate metabolic products pass into the aqueous phase and are then subjected to the complete mineralization or are involved in the metabolism of the bacterial cell.


Key words:  biochemical oxidation,  enzymes,  hydrocarbon-oxidizing microorganisms,  mixture of waste oils.


31.03.2015, 1734 просмотра.


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