Russian Journal of Biotechnology Articles archive Archive 2013 N 6 Assessment of Toxicity of Nanomaterials for Live Organisms

Assessment of Toxicity of Nanomaterials for Live Organisms

Автор: G.B. Zavilgelsky, V.Yu. Kotova, S.A. Khrul'nova and I.V. Manukhov

Страница: 8-17


Assessment of Toxicity of Nanomaterials for Live Organisms

Russian Journal of Biotechnology, 2013, N 6, P. 8-17

UDC 579.69

Section:  “Problems and Prospects”


G.B. Zavilgelsky *,  V.Yu. Kotova,  S.A. Khrul'nova  and  I.V. Manukhov

The State Research Institute for Genetics and Selection of Industrial Microorganisms,  117545, Moscow Russia



This review summarizes the recent researches on toxicity of nanoparticles consisting of metals and metaloxydic semiconductors (silver (Ag), CuO, ZnO and TiO2 nanoparticles) on live organisms. The parameters of EC50 and MIC characterizing the sensitivity of different groups of organisms (bacteria, yeast, algae, fish, crustaceans and mammalian cell lines) to the toxic effects of nanoparticles and metal ions are represented. The data on the application of lux-biosensors based on Escherichia coli cells containing hybrid plasmids with the inserted luciferase-encoding luxAB reporter genes are disciussed. It was shown that the treatmenrt of the test cells by the TiO2 nanoparticles in combination with UV-A light (λ = 360—390 nm) provides the formation of hydrogen peroxide that induces the oxidative stress fixed by the E. coli (pKatG’::lux) lux-biosensor. The toxicity of Ag-, CuO- and ZnO-based nanoparticles is mainly determined by ions the desorption of which from the nanoparticle surface is fixed by the other E. coli (pCopA’::lux) lux-biosensor.


Key words:  Ag,  bioluminescence,  biosensor,  CuO,  nanoparticle,  TiO2,  ZnO.


31.03.2015, 1867 просмотров.


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