Russian Journal of Biotechnology Articles archive Archive 2015 N 5 Problems in Normative Documentation on Security of Microorganisms Shipping

Problems in Normative Documentation on Security of Microorganisms Shipping

Автор: K.E. Voyushin, A.M. Agranovich, N.B. Bavykina, and S.P. Sineokii

Страница: 72-77


Problems in Normative Documentation on Security of Microorganisms Shipping

Biotekhnologiya, 2015, N 5, P. 72-77

UDC 57.011: 573.7

Section:  “Producers, Biology, Selection, and Gene Engineering”


K.E. Voyushin *,  A.M. Agranovich,  N.B. Bavykina,  and  S.P. Sineokii

The State Research Institute for Genetics and Selection of Industrial Microorganisms,  Moscow, 117545 Russia



The normative documents concerning biosafety of microorganisms shipping for research and industrial purposes in biotechnology in industrialized countries and Russian Federation are reviewed. Actual questions of the development and harmonization of the Russian normative documents with those in industrialized countries are discussed.


Key words:  biosafety of infectious materials,  shipping of microorganisms.


20.05.2016, 1341 просмотр .


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