Russian Journal of Biotechnology
Articles archive
Archive 2015
N 5
Immunogenic Properties of Anti-Idiotypic Antibodies and their Fab Fragments with Specificity to Immunoglobulins against Brucella Lypopolisaccharide
Immunogenic Properties of Anti-Idiotypic Antibodies and their Fab Fragments with Specificity to Immunoglobulins against Brucella LypopolisaccharideАвтор: S.G. Ospanova, and A.B. Bukeeva Страница: 65-71
Immunogenic Properties of Anti-Idiotypic Antibodies and their Fab Fragments with Specificity to Immunoglobulins against Brucella Lypopolisaccharide Biotekhnologiya, 2015, N 5, P. 65-71 UDC 619.615.37-619:616.98:579.841.93Б(083.94) Section: “Producers, Biology, Selection, and Gene Engineering”
S.G. Ospanova *, and A.B. Bukeeva The Seifullin Kazakhstan Agrarian University, Astana, 010000 Kazakhstan e-mail: sgo5@mail.ru
BALB/c mice have been immunized by 50 or 100 µg of monoclonal anti-idiotypic antibodies (AIB) specific immunoglobulins to Brucella lipopolysaccharide antigen and their Fab-fragments on 1st, 7th, 11th, 12th and 13th days in amounts of 50 µg and 100 µg. After that, the titers of AT3 and AT1 specific antibodies were determined in mice in the variants of immunization by AIB or LPS, respectively. The other scheme implied for the four-time immunization by 50 µg of the antigen with two-week intervals. It was established that 50 µg was an optimal dose for the immunization by AIB. When monoclonal anti-idiotypic antibodies were used as immunological reagents, the titers of immune sera were 1:6400, whereas using the Brucella lipopolysaccharide antigen, the titer of sera was 1:12800. Thus, it was demonstrated that the monoclonal anti-idiotypic antibodies and their Fab-fragments induce immune response to the lipopolysaccharide antigen.
Key words: anti-idiotypic antibodies, ELISA, Fab-fragments, immunogen.
20.05.2016, 1462 просмотра. |
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