Russian Journal of Biotechnology Articles archive Archive 2015 N 5 Gene-Engineered Details of a Raudis Commercial Rapeseed Variety Naturally Tolerant to Glyphosate

Gene-Engineered Details of a Raudis Commercial Rapeseed Variety Naturally Tolerant to Glyphosate

Автор: S.V. Dolgov, A.P. Firsov, A.S. Pushin, I.V. Tarasenko, and A.G. Golikov

Страница: 59-64


Gene-Engineered Details of a Raudis Commercial Rapeseed Variety Naturally Tolerant to Glyphosate

Biotekhnologiya, 2015, N 5, P. 59-64

UDC 573.6:581.151:633.853.494

Section:  “Producers, Biology, Selection, and Gene Engineering”


S.V. Dolgov 1,  A.P. Firsov 1,  A.S. Pushin 1,  I.V. Tarasenko 1,  and  A.G. Golikov 2, *

1  The Shemyakin-and-Ovchinnikov Institute for Bioorganic Chemistry, Pushchino branch,  Moskovskaya oblast, Pushchino, 142290 Russia

2  Limited Liability Company GenBit,  Moscow, 117246 Russia



As a result of PCR with various primers, it has been shown that the summer rape breed Raudis that was characterized as naturally resistant to glyphosate and obtained by the conventional selection method is a genetically modified organism that contains a gene construct typical of the rape line GT73 (Monsanto). This construct seems to be responsible for the experimentally confirmed gluphosate-resistance of the breed.


Key words:  5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase,  glyphosate-resistance,  rape.


20.05.2016, 1438 просмотров.


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