Russian Journal of Biotechnology
Articles archive
Archive 2015
N 5
Immunobiological Characteristics of a New Acapsular B. anthracis 363/11 Strain
Immunobiological Characteristics of a New Acapsular B. anthracis 363/11 StrainАвтор: I.Yu. Egorova, T.A. Sevskii, and Yu.O. Selyaninov Страница: 34-40
Immunobiological Characteristics of a New Acapsular B. anthracis 363/11 Strain Biotekhnologiya, 2015, N 5, P. 34-40 UDC 619:616.98:579.852.11 Section: “Producers, Biology, Selection, and Gene Engineering”
I.Yu. Egorova *, T.A. Sevskii, and Yu.O. Selyaninov The National Research Institute for Veterinary Virology and Microbiology (NRIVVaM), Russ. Acad. Agric. Sci., Vladimir region, Volginsky, 601125 Russia e-mail: iegorova@list.ru
The results of the investigation of immunobiological characteristics of a new naturally attenuated acapsular B. anthracis strain 363/11 in comparison with the anthrax vaccine strain 55-VNIIVViM currently used both in this country and Russia’s neighboring state are represented. The differences in the phenotypes in the above strains were established; for example, the new strain provided the lysis of sheep erythrocytes by the α rather than β-type; it has much more active proteases and unlike the vaccine strain, was capable of synthesizing protocatechoic acid. It was shown that the immunization of livestock by the new strain protected animals from death after they had been infected with B. anthracis field isolates against which the 55-VNIIVViM strain fails to raise the strong immunity. The new strain can be used for the development and/or improvement of specific anthrax preventive means.
Key words: anthrax, antigenic composition, immunogenicity, protectivity, vaccines.
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