Russian Journal of Biotechnology Articles archive Archive 2015 N 5 Biosynthesis of Inhibitor of Amylases by Streptomyces Cultures

Biosynthesis of Inhibitor of Amylases by Streptomyces Cultures

Автор: N.Yu. Sharova

Страница: 22-33


Biosynthesis of Inhibitor of Amylases by Streptomyces Cultures

Biotekhnologiya, 2015, N 5, P. 22-33

UDC 661.734.1:577.15:663.15

Section:  “Producers, Biology, Selection, and Gene Engineering”


N.Yu. Sharova

The All-Russian Institute for Food Additives,  St.-Petersburg, 191014 Russia



The influence of carbon and nitrogen sources, macro- and microelements on the biosynthesis of the inhibitor of amylases synthesized by Streptomyces violaceus VKPM Ac-1734 and Streptomyces lucensis VKPM Ac-1743 strains has been investigated. It is shown that the regulation of the inhibitor of amylases biosynthesis can be carried out by the limitation of carbon and oxygen, maintenance of the constant ratio of carbohydrate components concentrations in the medium (dextrins, a maltose, glucose) and C:N ratio, and also by the additional introduction of an organic nitrogen-containing component. The synthesied inhibitors have the pseudooligosaccharide origin.


Key words:  biosynthesis,  inhibitor of amylases,  Streptomyces lucensis VKPM Ac-1743 strain,  Streptomyces violaceus VKPM Ac-1734 strain.


20.05.2016, 1425 просмотров.


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