Russian Journal of Biotechnology Articles archive Archive 2015 N 4 Grounds for the Propionibacterium freudenreichii RVS-4-irf Strain Clinical Trials as a Nutrient Component (nourishment)

Grounds for the Propionibacterium freudenreichii RVS-4-irf Strain Clinical Trials as a Nutrient Component (nourishment)

Автор: E.P. Ryzhkova, V.V. Serebrov, I.V. Danilova, and T.V. Bykovchenko

Страница: 70-78


Grounds for the Propionibacterium freudenreichii RVS-4-irf Strain Clinical Trials as a Nutrient Component (nourishment)

Biotekhnologiya, 2015, N 4, P. 70-78

UDC 579.676

Section:  “Utilization of Biopreparations”


E.P. Ryzhkova 1, *,  V.V. Serebrov 2,  I.V. Danilova 1, *,  and  T.V. Bykovchenko 3

1  The Dept. of Microbiology, Lomonosov Moscow State University (MGU),  119991, Moscow, Russia

2  The State Research Center for Biotechnology Vector,  630559, Kol'tsovo. Novosibirskaya oblast Russia

3  The Research Institute for Bakng Industry, (NIIKP),  107553, Moscow Russia



The strain of Propionibacterium freudenreichii RVS-4-irf (VKPM B-9654; International  GenBank AC: no. (EU418709) isolated in 1988 from Swiss-type cheese manifests some probiotic-significant features having appropriate effects on animal organism (quails). Its cells demonstrate rather high level of survival under aggressive conditions of a model system of GIT, about 60% log CFU/ml. Unlike lacticacid bacteria, P. freudenreichii has low growth requirements, which is accompanied by the production of multiple nutraceuticals: vitamins of the B group, bifidogenic factor, essential amino acids and others. In view of the above said and the previously shown pronounced antioxidant activity, the investigated strain is of interest as a transient probiotic with the putative in vitro activity. The P. freudenreichii strain is capable of producing a high level of vitamin B12 and propionates, demonstrated proteolysis at neutral pH-values and a spectrum of antibacterial activity and immunotropic effects determined from the cytokine biosynthesis stimulation (shown ex vivo). As a whole, the origin, properties and effects of the strain allows us to recommend it for trials in human clinic nutrition.


Key words:  antibacterial spectrum,  cytokines,  immunomodulation,  model GIT,  probiotic effect,  probiotic potential,  propionates,  Propionibacterium freudenreichii RVS-4-irf,  proteolytic activity,  survival,  vitamin B12.


06.11.2015, 1549 просмотров.


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