Russian Journal of Biotechnology
Articles archive
Archive 2015
N 3
Assessment of Potential Effectiveness of Biological Decontamination of Poultry Farm Waste Water using a New Chlorella vulgaris IPPAS C-2015 (Chlorophyta) Strain
Assessment of Potential Effectiveness of Biological Decontamination of Poultry Farm Waste Water using a New Chlorella vulgaris IPPAS C-2015 (Chlorophyta) StrainАвтор: A.E. Solovchenko, L.R. Semenova, I.O. Selyakh, P.N. Shcherbakov, K.A. Chekanov, O.B. Chivkunova, G.A. Dolnikova, and E.S. Lobakova Страница: 81-91
Assessment of Potential Effectiveness of Biological Decontamination of Poultry Farm Waste Water using a New Chlorella vulgaris IPPAS C-2015 (Chlorophyta) Strain Biotekhnologiya, 2015, N 3, P. 81-91 UDC 581.192:546 Section: “Ecology”
A.E. Solovchenko, L.R. Semenova, I.O. Selyakh, P.N. Shcherbakov, K.A. Chekanov, O.B. Chivkunova, G.A. Dolnikova, and E.S. Lobakova * The Faculty of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 119234, Moscow Russia e-mail: elena.lobakova@rambler.ru
The potential use of a new microalgal strain Chlorella vulgaris IPPAS C-2015 (Chlorophyta, Trebouxiophyceae) for poultry wastewater treatment has been studied. The efficiency of inorganic anion bioremoval from and organic contaminant destruction in the artificial wastewater (AWW) prepared from chicken litter mimicking real poultry wastewater were estimated during the new strain of C. vulgaris semi-continuous cultivation. After three days of cultivation, the nitrate and orthophosphate ions levels were decreased by more than 90% and more than 48%, respectively, and 80% of the organic compounds on average (judging from chemical oxygen minimum index) were degraded in the AWW. During the cultivation of the microalgae, the bacteria associated with the C. vulgaris pre-culture gradually replaced the bacteria characteristic of the AWW. The microalgal biomass grown in AWW possessed a high content of polyunsaturated long-chain fatty acids from the С18 family. The possibilities of the new C. vulgaris strain application to the combined poultry wastewater treatment and utilization of the resulting microalga biomass are discussed together with the potential advantages of the microalgae-based over the conventional biological wastewater treatment technologies.
Key words: bioremoval, microalgae, organic contaminants, wastewater.
07.09.2015, 1618 просмотров. |
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