Russian Journal of Biotechnology
Articles archive
Archive 2015
N 3
Effect of Kelp Processing Products on Bifidobacterium bifidum 791 Strain Adhesive Properties
Effect of Kelp Processing Products on Bifidobacterium bifidum 791 Strain Adhesive PropertiesАвтор: E.L. Koneva, V.E.Terekhova, E.V. Yakush, and N.M. Aminina Страница: 64-70
Effect of Kelp Processing Products on Bifidobacterium bifidum 791 Strain Adhesive Properties Biotekhnologiya, 2015, N 3, P. 64-70 UDC 664.86:579.873.13 Section: “Biologicals Technology”
E.L. Koneva 1, *, V.E.Terekhova 2, *, E.V. Yakush 1, and N.M. Aminina 1 1 The Pacific Research Fisheries Centre, 690091, Vladivostok Russia 2 The Research and Edicational Center «Primorsky Aquarium», Far-Eastern Branch, 690922, Vladivostok, Russkiy Island Russia e-mail: koneva-ele@yandex.ru
The influence of kelp Saccharina japonica processing products on the adhesion to erythrocytes, capacity of self-aggregation and hydrophobicity of the Bifidobacterium bifidum bacteria strain 791 has been studied. It was found out that in the presence of sodium alginate and the kelp biogel, the ability to self-aggregation and adhesion level in bifidobacteria increased. Therefore, the help processing products should be considered as prebiotics promoting the better fixation of probiotic microorganisms on the intestinal cells.
Key words: adhesion, bifidobacteria, erythrocytes, hydrophobicity, kelp biogel, probiotics, self-aggregation, sodium alginate.
07.09.2015, 1437 просмотров. ![]() |
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