Russian Journal of Biotechnology Articles archive Archive 2015 N 3 Properties of Pectatliases Synthesized by Bacillus subtilis BN-135

Properties of Pectatliases Synthesized by Bacillus subtilis BN-135

Автор: G.B. Bravova, L.N. Larina, N.T. Petrova, and I.M. Kozlov

Страница: 30-41


Properties of Pectatliases Synthesized by Bacillus subtilis BN-135

Biotekhnologiya, 2015, N 3, P. 30-41

UDC 579.577.15

Section:  “Producers, Biology, Selection, and Gene Engineering”


G.B. Bravova,  L.N. Larina,  N.T. Petrova *,  and  I.M. Kozlov


The All-Russian Research and Experimental Institute for Medical Engineering, Federal Service on Surveillance in Healthcare (FSBI RSRIME, Roszdravnadzor),  115478, Moscow Russia



The homogeneous fractions of pectolytic enzymes synthesized by Bacillus subtilis BN-135 with similar molecular masses and isoelectric points have been studied. The investigation of substrate specificity, mechanism of action on pectin (by the character of the bond disruption, (limited or unordered)), activation by Ca2+ ions and inhibition by EDTA, and also capacity of maceration of plant tissues showed that the pectolytic enzymes complex consists of two isoforms of endo-pectatlyase.


Key words:  Bacillus subtilis,  isoform,  pectatlyase,  plant tissue maceration.


07.09.2015, 1543 просмотра.


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