Russian Journal of Biotechnology Articles archive Archive 2015 N 3 Biotechnology for Decontamination of Metallurgical Sewages

Biotechnology for Decontamination of Metallurgical Sewages

Автор: A.G. Bulaev, N.V. Pimenov

Страница: 8-29


Biotechnology for Decontamination of Metallurgical Sewages

Biotekhnologiya, 2015, N 3, P. 8-29

UDC 628.543 + 579.6

Section:  “Problems and Prospects”


A.G. Bulaev *,  N.V. Pimenov

The Vinogradsky Institute of Microbiology, Russ. Acad. Sci,  117312, Moscow Russia



The article reviews the ways of acid mine drainage formation of metal-contaminated mining and metallurgical wastes, and compares the advantages of various techniques for the treatment of metallurgical sewages. The data on the state of art and prospects of the development of biotechnological techniques for the treatment of metal-contaminated sewages using sulfate reducing bacteria are also represented.


Key words:  acid mine drainage,  acidophils,  biotechnology for the treatment of sewages,  heavy metals,  metallurgical wastes,  sulfate reduction.


07.09.2015, 1426 просмотров.


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