Russian Journal of Biotechnology Articles archive Archive 2015 N 2 Expression in Tobacco Transgenic Plants of a Gene for M2e Peptide of H5NI Avian Influenza Virus in Translational Fusion with Ricin B Subunit

Expression in Tobacco Transgenic Plants of a Gene for M2e Peptide of H5NI Avian Influenza Virus in Translational Fusion with Ricin B Subunit

Автор: A.P. Firsov, I.V. Tarasenko, A.S. Pushin, L.A. Shaloiko, L.M. Vinokurov, and S.V. Dolgov

Страница: 55-64


Expression in Tobacco Transgenic Plants of a Gene for M2e Peptide of H5NI Avian Influenza Virus in Translational Fusion with Ricin B Subunit

Biotekhnologiya, 2015, N 2, P. 55-64

UDC 575.113.1:577.218:633.71]:615.371

Section:  “Producers, Biology, Selection, and Gene Engineering”


A.P. Firsov *,  I.V. Tarasenko *,  A.S. Pushin,  L.A. Shaloiko,  L.M. Vinokurov,  and  S.V. Dolgov

The Institute for Bioorganic Chemistry, Russ. Acad. Sci., Pushchino branch,  142290, Pushchino, Moskovskaya oblast Russia



The M2e peptide of avian influenza virus H5N1 Curgan 2005 has successfully been expressed in transgenic tobacco plants. The nucleotide sequence encoding the amino-terminal fragment of the protein M2, 30 a.a. in size that included the M2e peptide (M130) was translationally fused within the reading frame with the 3'-terminus of the ricin B subunit (RTB) sequence in vector pBI121. Tobacco plants were successfully transformed with the obtained construct. The RTB was detected in 4 lines of the transgenic plants from the 8 studied using asialofetuin-immobilized ELISA. The presence of the M2e peptide in the fused protein RTB-M130 was confirmed in two lines of the transgenic plants; in 2 other lines M2e was not detected regardless of the presence of RTB. The quantitative asialofetuin-immobilized ELISA permitted to show that the accumulation of the fused protein RTB-M130 in those lines was equal to 3.3 and 2.4 µg per 1 g of leaf fresh weight (0.02% and 0.01% of total soluble protein, respectively). The lines in which the expression of the RTB gene was only detected were characterized by the RTB accumulation of 2.1 and 2.4 µg per 1 g of fresh weight (0.01 and 0.02% of the total soluble protein, respectively). Western blot analysis showed that the RTB-M130 protein was detected in the transgenic tobacco lines as a dimer without significant signs of degradation. The obtained results will be further used for the design of a plant-based edible vaccine against avian influenza.


Key words:  avian influenza,  edible vaccines,  molecular farming,  peptide M2e,  ricin B subunit.


25.06.2015, 1584 просмотра.


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