Russian Journal of Biotechnology
Articles archive
Archive 2015
N 2
Three-dimensional Matrices of Natural and Synthetic Origin for Cell Biotechnology
Three-dimensional Matrices of Natural and Synthetic Origin for Cell BiotechnologyАвтор: I.M. Volkova, and D.G. Korovina Страница: 8-26
Three-dimensional Matrices of Natural and Synthetic Origin for Cell Biotechnology Biotekhnologiya, 2015, N 2, P. 8-26 UDC 576.5 UDC 57.085.23 Section: “Problems and Prospects”
I.M. Volkova *, and D.G. Korovina The Kovalenko All-Russian Research Institute for Experimental Veterinary, 109428, Moscow Russia e-mail: akoulinairina@mail.ru
The review describes the classification, analysis, characteristics and prospects of the application of various types of matrices, of natural or synthetic origin, for cell biotechnology. A particular attention is paid to three-dimensional structures designed on the basis of components of the extracellular matrix (ECM) with multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MMSC). In particular, the authors previously obtained cell populations with a phenotype similar to MMSC from farm animal bone marrow (BM) and adipose tissue (AT). A comparative analysis of the properties and features of the derived cellular populations was performed. It was established that MMSC isolated from BM and AT, were capable of formation fatty, bone and muscle tissue cells when cultured in induction media in vitro. Therefore, obtaining by myogenesis of farm animals muscle tissue analogs using the three-dimensional MMSC culturing on a porous matrix is a promising research direction for the needs of regenerative medicine, veterinary medicine, and cell and food biotechnology.
Key words: multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MMSC), bone marrow, myodifferentiation, in vitro, matrix, 3D cultivation, 3D scaffolds, muscle tissue, cell biotechnology.
25.06.2015, 1585 просмотров. |
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