Russian Journal of Biotechnology Articles archive Archive 2015 N 1 Bioconversion of Milk Proteins in order to Reduce Residual Antigenicity

Bioconversion of Milk Proteins in order to Reduce Residual Antigenicity

Автор: N.V. Ponomareva, E.I. Mel’nikova, and E.V. Bogdanova

Страница: 70-74


Bioconversion of Milk Proteins in order to Reduce Residual Antigenicity

Biotekhnologiya, 2015, N 1, P. 70-74

UDC 551.48 : 591.146 : 612.017.3

Section:  “Biologicals Technology”


N.V. Ponomareva,  E.I. Mel’nikova,  and  E.V. Bogdanova *

The Voronezh State University for Engineering Technologies,  394036, Voronezh Russia



The possibility of reducing the residual antigenicity of whey β-lactoglobulin, the main milk protein, using various mixtures of food proteases has been studied. A mixture of enzyme preparations that provides to most effective hydrolysis of β-lactoglobulin in whey ultrafiltration concentrate was selected (Flavorpro F766 MDP (3%) + Promod P439L (1,5%)). This system, as was shown by the in silico analysis, was also the most efficient in the decrease (by more than 66%) in the β-lactoglobulin allergenicity.


Key words:  enzymatic hydrolysis of whey proteins,  β-lactoglobulin allergenicity,  residual antigenicity.


29.05.2015, 1566 просмотров.


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