Russian Journal of Biotechnology Articles archive Archive 2015 N 1 Investigation of Regimes of Iron (II) Oxidation by Immobilized Biomass in Sulfuric Acid Medium

Investigation of Regimes of Iron (II) Oxidation by Immobilized Biomass in Sulfuric Acid Medium

Автор: Zheng Zhihong, L.N. Krylova, and Sun Zhanxue

Страница: 61-69


Investigation of Regimes of Iron (II) Oxidation by Immobilized Biomass in Sulfuric Acid Medium

Biotekhnologiya, 2015, N 1, P. 61-69

UDC 663.18:669...3

Section:  “Biologicals Technology”


Zheng Zhihong 1, 2,  L.N. Krylova 1, *,  and  Sun Zhanxue 2

1  The National Research Technological University, Moscow Institute for Steel and Alloys (MISiS),  119049, Moscow Russia

2  The Eastern Chinese Institute for Technology,  Fuchjow China



In order to develop technologies for the regenerati of an oxidant, ions of iron (III), for the leaching of metals from sulfide and uranium ores in sulfuric acid, the oxidation regimens for iron (II) oxidation by biomass of aerobic hemolitoautotrophic acidophilic microorganisms, predominanly the Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans bacteria concentrated by adsorption immobilization on fixed solid carriers in column type bioreactors has been selected. The effect on the oxidation rate of way of aeration (to a solution supplied to the biooxidation, or directly to the bioreactor); aeration air flow rate, depending on the rate of the solution supply to the bioreactor; method for feeding with the solution to oxidize, in the top or bottom part of the bioreactor; feeding rate and carrier material used for the microorganism immobilization (zeolite and wood shavings) was examined.


Key words:  air flow rate,  bacteria,  carrier,  concentration,  direction of flux motion,  immobilization,  iron (II) oxidation,  method of aeration,  microorganisms,  oxidation rate,  solution flow rate.


29.05.2015, 1530 просмотров.


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