Russian Journal of Biotechnology Articles archive Archive 2014 N 6 Use of Microbial Hydrocarbon Destructors of Pseudomonas Genus with Mycostatic Activity for Biorecultivation

Use of Microbial Hydrocarbon Destructors of Pseudomonas Genus with Mycostatic Activity for Biorecultivation

Автор: M.D. Bakaeva, O.S. Smolova, and О.N. Loginov

Страница: 60-70


Use of Microbial Hydrocarbon Destructors of Pseudomonas Genus with Mycostatic Activity for Biorecultivation

Russian Journal of Biotechnology, 2014, N 6, P. 60-70

UDC 502.3

Section:  “Ecology”


M.D. Bakaeva *,  O.S. Smolova,  and  О.N. Loginov

The Institute of Biology, Ufa Research Center, Russ. Acad. Sci,  450054, Ufa Russia



Properties of the oil-polluted chernozem and podzolic soil after the introduction in them of the hydrocarbon-oxidizing microorganisms that synthesize fungi growth-suppressing metabolites have been investigated. It was shown that the germination of test plant seeds (cress and tomato) in the occurrence of mycostatic preparations (Elena and Azolen) was enhanced by 10—20% as compared to a variant in which hydrocarbon-oxidizing preparations were only used. The effect correlated with the decrease of phytopathogenic micromycetes content in soil. The prospects of the application of the microbial cultures of the Pseudomonas genus with antifungal activity to oil-polluted soil recultivation are discussed.


Key words:  antagonists of microscopic fungi,  biological products,  biological recultivation,  hydrocarbon destructors.


31.03.2015, 1678 просмотров.


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