Russian Journal of Biotechnology Articles archive Archive 2014 N 6 Harnessing of Bud Structure in Vitis vinifera L. for Increasing Propagation Index in vitro

Harnessing of Bud Structure in Vitis vinifera L. for Increasing Propagation Index in vitro

Автор: L.V. Ivanova-Khanina

Страница: 43-51


Harnessing of Bud Structure in Vitis vinifera L. for Increasing Propagation Index in vitro

Russian Journal of Biotechnology, 2014, N 6, P. 43-51

UDC 581.16 : 631.533.3 : 634.8

Section:  “Biologicals Technology”


L.V. Ivanova-Khanina

The National Institute for Bioresources and Nature Utilization of Ukraine, Crimea Branch, Univ. of Agrotechnology of Crimea,  95492, Simferopol Republic of Crimea



Characteristics of the cultivation of Vitis vinifera apical meristems taken from removed side-shoot and wintering buds have been studied. A positive effect of the absence of potassium chloride and iodide, decrease in the manganese sulfate concentration, modification of the vitamin content and introduction of PAB(A) (5.0 mg/l) was observed during the growth of the apical meristems on an MS modified medium. A possibility of the reuse of microshoots at the stage of propagation itself which permitted to increase the propagation index due to the stimulation of the plant displacing buds was proved.


Key words:  apical meristems,  clonal micropropagation,  grapes,  nutrient medium.


31.03.2015, 1510 просмотров.


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