Russian Journal of Biotechnology Articles archive Archive 2014 N 5 Quantification of Components in Mixtures of Xenogenic Antibodies to Diphtheric Toxin by ELISA

Quantification of Components in Mixtures of Xenogenic Antibodies to Diphtheric Toxin by ELISA

Автор: N.G. Titova, and V.V. Sviridov

Страница: 76-89


Quantification of Components in Mixtures of Xenogenic Antibodies to Diphtheric Toxin by ELISA

Russian Journal of Biotechnology, 2014, N 5, P. 76-89

UDC 616-097.3

Section:  “Metrology, Standartization, and Control”


N.G. Titova *,  and  V.V. Sviridov

The Mechnikov Research Instuitute for Vaccines and Sera, Russ. Acad. Med. Sci.,  105064, Moscow Russia



The regularities and dynamics of the interaction of the diphtheria anatoxin and the anti-diphtheria antibodies during ELISA have been studied. The previously published data that processes of the interaction of a mixture of xenogenic antibodies with the similar specificity and an antigen, on one hand, and physicochemical adsorption of components with a similar affinity to an adsorbent, on the other, obey the same regularities found their confirmation. The quantitative characteristics of the interrelations of the antibody mixtures with the specific antigen (total and partial contents, coefficient of binding) in different experiments confirm the previously designed model of this interaction. A term of the plateau area during the titration of the ELISA components was specified. A potential of the verified regularities to be used in practice was regarded.


Key words:  adsorption from mixtures,  adsorption regularities,  antibodies,  ELISA.


26.03.2015, 1442 просмотра.


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