Russian Journal of Biotechnology
Articles archive
Archive 2014
N 5
Biotransformation of Sludges after Municipal Wastewater Biological Treatment into Fertilizers
Biotransformation of Sludges after Municipal Wastewater Biological Treatment into FertilizersАвтор: K.V. Kalinichenko, G.N. Nikovskaya, and Z.R. Ulberg Страница: 59-65
Biotransformation of Sludges after Municipal Wastewater Biological Treatment into Fertilizers Russian Journal of Biotechnology, 2014, N 5, P. 59-65 UDC 628.336:544.723.3:628.38.1 Section: “Ecology”
K.V. Kalinichenko *, G.N. Nikovskaya, and Z.R. Ulberg The Ovcharenko Institute for Biocolloidal Chemistry, Natl. Acad. Sci. Ukraine, 03142, Kyiv Ukraine e-mail: KirKa_@bigmir.net
As a result of the biological treatment of municipal wastewater, sewage sludge wastes in the form of high-concentrated suspensions contaminated by heavy metals and stabilized by the treatment under aerobic-anaerobic conditions are produced. The process of the biotransformation of these suspensions into fertilizers has been developed. It is based on the activation of vital ability of the sludge heterotrophic microorganisms by the addition of necessary nutrients, leaching of heavy metals, sludge suspension flocculation and separation to liquid and solid phases. Each of these can be used as a fertilizer after the treatment with potassium hydroxide at рН 10.0—11.0 and acidity correction up to рН 8.0 by phosphoric acid. The suggested method for the sludge treatment made it possible to obtain solid and liquid fertilizers with the decreased content of heavy metals (up to the permissive concentrations) and enriched by ecologically valuable microorganisms. The introduction of the fertilizers enhanced the plant biomass productivity by 5—10 times.
Key words: fertilizer, heavy metals, leaching, sludge solids.
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