Russian Journal of Biotechnology Articles archive Archive 2014 N 5 Obtaining and Study of Complexes of the Polypyrrol—Polyene Antibiotic Type

Obtaining and Study of Complexes of the Polypyrrol—Polyene Antibiotic Type

Автор: A.V. Timofeeva, N.М. Maliutina, E.A. Stepashkina, L.A. Baratova, I.Yu. Sapurina, and G.S. Katrukha

Страница: 50-58


Obtaining and Study of Complexes of the Polypyrrol—Polyene Antibiotic Type

Russian Journal of Biotechnology, 2014, N 5, P. 50-58

UDC 577.181.3

Section:  “Biologicals Technology”


A.V. Timofeeva 1, *,  N.М. Maliutina 2,  E.A. Stepashkina 2,  L.A. Baratova 1,  I.Yu. Sapurina 3,  and  G.S. Katrukha 2

1  The Belozersky Research Institute for Physicochemical Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University,  119991, Moscow Russia

2  The Gause Institute of New Antibiotics, Russ. Acad. Med. Sci.,  119021, Moscow Russia

3  The Institute of Macromolecular Compounds, Russ. Acad. Sci.,  199004, St.-Petersburg Russia



Complexes of practically important polyene antibiotics (amphotericin B and nystatin A1) with a modern biocompatible electroactive polymer polypyrrol (PP) were obtained for the first time, and their antifungal activities and some physicochemical properties were studied. It was established that the PP—amphotericin B complex possesses the antifungal activity against Aspergillus niger, whereas the PP—nystatin A1 complex is devoid of this activity. It was shown by infra-red spectroscopy that the basis for the adsorption of amphotericin B on PP is the formation of an ionic bond between the COOH-group of the polyene antibiotic and the NH-group of the pyrrol residue, and also the interaction of the polyene system of the antibiotic with the PP polymer chain. The inactivation of the PP—nystatin A1 complex is supposed to be connected with the complete shielding during the complex formation of the polyene fragment of the antibiotic, and also of amine and carboxylic groups in nystatin A1 that are responsible for the primary binding of the antibiotic to the micromycete membrane.


Key words:  antifungal activity,  antimycotics,  Aspergillus niger,  complexes of the polypyrrol—antibiotic type,  infra-red spectroscopy,  micromycete,  polyene antibiotics,  polypyrrol.


26.03.2015, 1845 просмотров.


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