Russian Journal of Biotechnology
Articles archive
Archive 2014
N 5
Large-Scaled Cultivation of a Moscow 3253 Fixed Rabies Virus on a Continuous Cell Line Vero (B): Methods and Comparative Analysis
Large-Scaled Cultivation of a Moscow 3253 Fixed Rabies Virus on a Continuous Cell Line Vero (B): Methods and Comparative AnalysisАвтор: S.V. Generalov, E.G. Abramova, Zh.V. Matveeva, I.M. Zhulidov, and R.A. Svintsov Страница: 38-43
Large-Scaled Cultivation of a Moscow 3253 Fixed Rabies Virus on a Continuous Cell Line Vero (B): Methods and Comparative Analysis Russian Journal of Biotechnology, 2014, N 5, P. 38-43 UDC 57.085.23 Section: “Biologicals Technology”
S.V. Generalov *, E.G. Abramova, Zh.V. Matveeva, I.M. Zhulidov, and R.A. Svintsov The Russian Anti-Plague Research Institute Microbe, 410005, Saratov Russia e-mail: svgeneraloff@gmail.com
A comparative analysis of methods for large-scaled cultivation of a Moscow 3253 attenuated rabies virus on a continuous cell line Vero (B) has been performed. The rabies virus reproduction was carried out by the suspension and pseudosuspension methods in a bioreactor or by the roller method in special vessels. The advantage of the used roller method for culturing of the Moscow 3253 rabies virus on the Vero (B) continuous cell line at the stage of obtaining of the rabies culture antigen during the production of rabies immunoglobulin was demonstrated.
Key words: cell culture, pseudosuspension cultivation, rabies virus, roller cultivation, suspension cultivation, Vero (B).
26.03.2015, 1531 просмотр . |
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