Russian Journal of Biotechnology Articles archive Archive 2014 N 5 Metabolic Characteristics of the Synthesis of Citric Acid by an Aspergillus niger Fungus

Metabolic Characteristics of the Synthesis of Citric Acid by an Aspergillus niger Fungus

Автор: K.V. Alekseev, M.V. Dubina, and V.P. Komov

Страница: 8-18


Metabolic Characteristics of the Synthesis of Citric Acid by an Aspergillus niger Fungus

Russian Journal of Biotechnology, 2014, N 5, P. 8-18

UDC 577.121

Section:  “Problems and Prospects”


K.V. Alekseev 1,  M.V. Dubina 2,  and  V.P. Komov 1, *

1  The St.-Petersburg State Chemicopharmaceutical Academy,  197376, St.-Petersburg Russia

2  The St.-Petersburg Academical University,  194021, St.-Petersburg Russia



The article discusses recent advances in the study of the Aspergillus niger fungus, a producer of citric acid, metabolism and also some features that may be responsible for the citrate overproduction. The article is designed so that the whole process of the citrate biosynthesis from the absorption of glucose from a medium to excretion of citric acid from a cell is divided into stages that are critical for the yield of the desired product. Such arrangement of the material permits to show the main regulatory steps in the chain of the citrate synthesis, the effect on these steps allowing to control the biosynthesis of citric acid on the level of cellular metabolism. This eventually opens promising trends in the improvement of producing strains by means of genetic engineering. The article also includes the reviewing of the influence of some fermentation conditions (medium components, additives, and technological parameters) on the biosynthesis of citric acid and on metabolic processes in cells which is important for a holistic understanding of both process of biosynthesis at the cellular level and fermentation technology.


Key words:  Aspergillus niger,  citric acid biosynthesis.


24.03.2015, 1772 просмотра.


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